Rabu, 23 September 2015

What Are the Benefits of Noni Fruit?

Noni is a tropical, fruit-bearing tree native to the Polynesian Islands. In the United States, noni is available as a dietary supplement in the form of juice, capsules, tablets and powders. Traditionally noni has been used to treat diarrhea, wounds and certain skin conditions. Today, noni is promoted for weight control, healthy blood glucose, managing cholesterol and as a general health tonic. Talk to your health care provider before taking noni supplements, especially if you have a medical condition.

Cholesterol Benefit

Noni fruit possesses potent lipid-lowering ability, as shown in a study published in "Scientific World Journal" in October 2012. Researchers found noni significantly reduced cholesterol and triglycerides in smokers with elevated lipid profiles. The volunteers drank noni juice for 30 days,and at the end of the study period their cholesterol had dropped 20 to 25 percent and their triglyceride level was 29 to 41 percent lower.

Anti-obesity Benefits
Noni promotes weight control in overweight men and women, according to a study published in the "North American Journal of Medical Sciences" in December 2011. Researchers conducted a 12-week study involving 16 women and six men who supplemented with noni during a diet and exercise program. Participants experienced a highly significant average reduction in body fat; the average weight loss was 17.5 pounds for the women and 21.7 for the men.

Anti-diabetic Benefits
Researchers tested blood sugar-lowering properties of fermented noni juice by giving it to diabetic rats for 20 days and observing the effect. They found that noni significantly reduces fasting blood sugar similarly to the way diabetes medication does. In addition, noni exhibited liver-protective properties, according to the study, which was published in the October 2010 issue of the "Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine" journal.

Noni Supplement Safety
Several reports of liver toxicity were linked to taking noni juice products, although such reports are rare. Noni may interfere with the effectiveness of blood-thinning medications and chemotherapy drugs. In addition, noni is rich in potassium and may cause problems if you must adhere to a low-potassium diet. Some noni products are high in sugar, so choose those with low sugar if you have diabetes. Take noni only under your doctor's supervision if you have any health issues.

Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015

the benefits of the mangosteen fruit

Mangosteen has the Latin name Garcinia mangostana L and belongs to the Clusiaceae family. The mangosteen fruit is known as Queen of fruit or fruit queen and the king is the durian.

fruit of the mangosteen fruit is very tasty and sweet, which have white flesh, and the mangosteen fruit including fruit containing seeds.
The mangosteen fruit from the seed shell to have great benefits for health.

The following are the benefits of the mangosteen fruit for health.

treating Thrush

The content of vitamin C in the mangosteen also serves to heal canker sores. How to make a potion to treat thrush is to prepare rind of 2 mangosteen washed and cut into pieces first. Mangosteen peel boiled in 3 cups of water until the size is reduced to 50 percent. Once cool, strain and create a decoction for gargling.

rejuvenates Skin
Especially for women, you'll like properties of mangosteen rind that make you more youthful. The anti-oxidants in it can prevent premature aging and regenerate skin cells. Even on your experience various skin diseases.

resistant cancer
The content of xanthones in the mangosteen fruit peel and anti proliferative danapoptosis namely, effective to inhibit growth and destroy cancer cells.

Preventing Heart Disease
Mangosteen fruit also contains a number of minerals such as copper, manganese and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids to help control heart rate, and blood pressure. Thus, the mangosteen fruit offers protection against stroke and coronary heart disease.

ways of processing the mangosteen fruit come in many varieties, there is a process by boiling, in the juice, and eaten immediately. The following properties of the mangosteen fruit from me, may be useful.